Matsapha Town Council has managed to develop a total of 4 major projects that were planned for between the years 2013-2017. These were all plans that were highlighted within the integrated Development Plan (IDP). The major infrastructure development projects of the year included:
- Upgrading of the Tubungu access road
- Rehabilitation of King Mswati III West avenue
- Upgrading of 2nd and 3rd Avenue
- Installation of high mast lights in Tubungu and Farm 234
The IDP is a 6 year strategic plan which depicts the blueprint for the future of our town and is informed by the development aspirations of its citizens. As the plan officially ends, the council is in the process of developing the next IDP.
During the appointment of Matsapha Mayor, Sandlane Zwane said “Our interest should be that of the ratepayers.” Council in her endeavour to comply with the Participatory Governance found in the Urban Government Act of 1969, hosted community engagement meetings to give the public a chance to share their views.
The Town Clerk, Lucky Sukati explained, “At these meetings council gave feedback on the ending IDP and also gathered inputs and ideas from the residents and business people who are within the Matsapha corridor, to be implemented in the 2018 to 2024.”