Matsapha Town Council in safe-guarding public health through monitoring food safety and hygiene compliance conducted a training on the 22nd– 23rd September 2020 on food safety and hygiene and the target group were the formal and small business enterprises vending at the business zones.
Council believes in continued education in fulfilling her key mandate as well as ensuring compliance which comes with the COVID-19 pandemic regulations. The response of the target group was satisfactory indicating that this business sector was eager to comply as they serve our esteemed residents and urban area visitors, which is key in promoting public hygiene in town for everyone’s safety.
The training programme focused on an introduction to food safety training and Covid-19 pandemic in relation to food safety. This training is critical as it helps the food handlers understand the importance of food safety and hygiene to avoid the spread of sicknesses from food, known as foodborne disease. Foodborne disease is caused by dangerous microorganisms and/or toxic chemicals, however it can be preventable with proper food handling. Off note, was that the food handlers were the capacitated on the best way to try and stop the micro-organisms from making people sick. This can be done by following World Health Organisation (WHO)’s five (5) keys to safer food.
Council remains committed to uphold WHO hygiene standards in ensuring that our population is safe and as a town we attract more investors as well as protecting our vulnerable residents and visitors.
1. Keep Clean | While most microorganisms do not cause disease, dangerous microorganisms are widely found in soil, water, animals and people. These microorganisms are carried on hands, wiping cloths and utensils, especially cutting boards, and the slightest contact can transfer them to food and cause foodborne diseases. |
2. Separate Raw & Cooked Food | Raw food may contain dangerous microorganisms which may be transferred to prepared food. |
3. Cook Thoroughly | · Cook food thoroughly esp. meat, poultry, seafood and eggs
· Bring foods like soup to boiling and ensure they reach 70ºC. Use a thermometer! · Reheat cooked food thoroughly |
4. Keep food at safe temperatures | · Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for more than 2 hours
· Refrigerate promptly all cooked and perishable food (below 5 degrees) · Keep food piping hot above 60 degrees C prior to serving · Do not store food too long even in the refrigerator · Do not thaw frozen food in room temperature, thaw in refrigerator
5. Use safe water and raw materials | · Use safe water or treat it to make it safe
· Select fresh and wholesome food · Wash fruits and vegetables from running potable water · Do not use food beyond its Expiry Date