Matsapha – On the 19th of July 2022, Matsapha Town Council joined Eswatini Railways in a level crossing safety campaign in the town of Matsapha. This campaign was necessitated by the need to educate motorists on the importance of observing the road safety rules in relation to level crossings to avoid accidents that may occur when motorists do not obey the set rules.
A level crossing is a point where the railway line crosses over a public or private road on the same gradient. The town of Matsapha has these operational level crossings and over the past few months, accidents have occurred due to the failure of motorists to observe the precautionary measures which are set in place.
Motorists and pedestrians have the responsibility of ensuring their safety on the railway lines and level crossings. The following precautions must be observed at all times when approaching a level crossing or railway line:
- Always expect trains at a level crossing. Stop and follow road rules and signs.
- Look in both directions for an approaching train and listen to the train’s whistle.
- Always allow the train to pass. Look in both directions and only cross the track is clear.
- Pay attention on the road when approaching a level crossing. Do not be distracted.
- Always cross the level crossings at the designated pedestrian crossing line.
- Stop, look and listen for approaching trains.
- The train track should not be used as a shortcut or walking trail.
- Never cross the track when a train is approaching
- Always keep a 5 Metre safe distance from the rail.
As an industrial hub, Council would like to encourage all motorists to faithfully observe these precautionary measures to ensure that the town is safe and realizes its potential of being sustainable and liveable for all individuals.